Where have I been?


Well, it has been a while since I've sat down and written. 

Why? Well... Life. 

It's been incredibly hard for me to focus. If I don't have a kid hanging on my leg, I am cleaning, trying to get my life organized, running daily errands, carting my children to their activities, just every day to day homemaker stuff. There is never enough time in the day. 

In the past six months, I have realized it is so difficult for me to get organized. It must be a defect in my brain. I swear I was never this way. Well, I guess I shouldn't say never, I should say this bad. After children, my life just got more unorganized. If you are one of those that have the perfectly organized home, I tip my hat to you. You either got it, or you don't, and I sure don't right now.  Ha.

Sleep is more important to me than anything, and that has been an issue lately. I haven't had an uninterrupted sleep through the night since I was out of town away from my children.  If it is not one, it's the other.  A party every night between 2 AM- 4 AM.  Am I complaining? Nope. I am just stating the facts.

There were a few different points in my life when I felt like my life wasn't complete. I was losing my identity; I questioned going back to work. I needed to do more; I needed to be "good" at something, I needed a side hustle. I needed something.  Well...I don't feel like that anymore. I am right where I need to be.   I am taking care of my children. I am taking care of my family. I am trying to take care of myself.  I am needed, and that is enough for me. I stopped comparing myself to others, and I am content. It feels perfect.

Do I still have hopes and dreams? Do I still want to be "something" and make a difference? Do I want to go back and pursue my career? 

YES, for sure, I do.

I still love my blog!  As I sit here,  taking a few hours to myself, writing, feels so therapeutic. I still love learning about fashion, beauty, and wellness.  I hope to continue to travel and to share good food.  I am still learning how to be a mother. I am here; I am just busy.  Busy living an imperfect, beautiful, perfectly boring life. 

Right where I need to be.


How are ya'll?
Where have you been?
I would love to catch up with any of you soon. 

Thanks for still being here and reading Rose + Shine!
Love, Rose

Family photo credit to Danielle Fantis, Danielle Fantis Photography
The first photo I took while visiting family at Sugar Lake, Minnesota in 2009.
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