Be Present


I wrote this back in March when I was taking a break from social media.  Social media is such a time suck. It's incredibly addicting and pointless 90% of the time. When I was looking for my next blog post, I came across this moment and it's incredibly tempting to take a break again.

Disconnect for just a week.
Since disconnecting from social media, I have found myself staring at her more. Watching her play, eat, interact with her brother and daddy. She is so grown up. Her skin is porcelain. Her eyes are piercing. Her laughter is contagious. 

Today, I decided I wanted to take her on a mommy-daughter date. Just me and her. A few years ago, I would demand she walked into the restaurant and be a 'big girl" but today.....the wind was blowing, it was cold and without even thinking, I scooped her up and carried her into the restaurant on my hip. She wrapped her long legs around me and held on tight. 

We ordered and sat together. She sat across from me and I kept my eyes focused on hers. She counted and giggled and was so silly until our food was ready. After eating, she sat on my lap with her long legs and finished her chips. I let her. I let her sit there as long as she wanted. I loved it. 

I loved giving her my undivided attention. I wasn't scrolling on my phone or being distracted by her brother. I was only distracted by her.  I kept saying, I have to tell you a secret and I would whisper "I love you" in her ear. She would laugh out loud and say that's not a secret....but of course,  I love you too. At the end of lunch, she said, " I really love playing with you here," as she whispered in my ear. 

It's little moments like these that I take for granted. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. No matter where you are in the world, no matter what your lifestyle is like, just try this. Take a moment out of every day and just be present.  Be present in the moment. You might just see something you didn't realize was there.

Thank you for being here and reading along.
Love, Rose

Real LifeRose