Direct Sales Regrets


Regret; Disappointment over something that has happened.

Regrets.   Yep, we all have them.  If we never had any regret, we wouldn't learn from our mistakes. Every experience that happened to me in my youth and adulthood, there is always a lesson learned. 

Losing my identity. 

Yep, I'll admit that happened. It's called being a stay at home mom.  When I was pregnant with my second, I just wanted something to do. Something other than just being a mom.  Frankly, I was dressing awful, never wore makeup, rarely left the house or had adult interaction.  We were living in Texas and I pretty much felt like I was on the end of the world, away from my family and friends. I was in such a funk. I thought about going back to work and the reality was, it was best to stay at home with the children.

After my second was born, I was tempted by a best friend to join a skincare company. She tempted me with a trip to Las Vegas. She said, "Hey, If you join as a consultant, the convention is in Las Vegas next year."  um.. Say What? A trip with a friend, away from my funky life. Shoot yes, I'll jump on board.  But, really....skincare? I don't even wash my face.  I don't know if I want to sell skincare. Ugh. She assured me that this was a good decision since it was an established company backed by two world-renowned dermatologists. She was a best friend too, so I had to trust her. I didn't even read about the company after I tried the products for 2 weeks, I  just jumped on board. 

Here's the part where I lost my mind.

When you join a direct sales company that is primarily sold online and through social media, you are now put into many private groups that talk about strategies/products/how to sell, etc.   I was quickly convinced in my mind that I was going to become a millionaire selling skincare. Shoot, I can do this. All these women in these private groups are making tons $$$$. These groups make you believe it. Or maybe it was just me, that WANTED to believe it.  I was vulnerable and I believed it.


I regret so so badly how I went about selling skincare products. I wanted to tell everyone how great this company was, I wanted to make money, I wanted to feel good about something other than just being a mom. I put myself all over social media doing videos, posting pictures, direct messaging friends, family, and acquaintances.  I put a lot of my time and heart into it.  If someone responded with a glimmer of hope of interest, I usually threw up on them with messages.  

Really Rose? What are you doing? 

I am sure I received tons of judgment, eye rolls, and chatter.  Here's the thing though, my true friends didn't judge me.  They were kind and supported me.    Even if they didn't buy a damn thing, they were kind. Some friends totally avoided me.   I had to just tell myself, I don't care what other people think. Easier said than done. 

Four takeaways from this experience.  
1.  I suck at sales.
2.  I admire people that are always kind. Trust me, I can be quick to judge (guilty), but this experience made me want to be kind to others who are trying to find themselves or add something to their lives. Everyone is going through something.
3.  I regret not sticking with my gut. It's amazing what can happen when you are vulnerable. I wish I would've done it differently.
4.  Yes, I still sell skincare. I promise I won't message you.

Thank you for reading.  I have been wanting to get this off of my chest for over a year now. Somehow, writing this out and presenting it to the world, makes me feel better, and now I am letting my regret GO!
Love, Rose



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